The Sunyata Series

Sunyata is the Sanskrit word for Emptiness, the primordial state from which all so-called ‘things’ dependently arise.

These Sunyata paintings have no intrinsic colour but the perceived colour of the work is dependent on the observer’s positional relationship to the painting.

Hence, an observer to the left of this painting would see it as a blue colour-field while an observer to the right of this painting would see it as a red colour-field. and a third observer walking past the work would observe the painting dynamically changing colour.


Euclidian Emptiness

Euclidian Emptiness, 2009. 44.5” x 72”.

Micro-crystalline aluminum flakes suspended in lacquer on aluminum panel.

This painting, whose format is a Golden Rectangle, is a tip-of-the-hat to Barnett Newman’s ‘Euclidian Abyss’.


The Sunyata Series

An observer on the left of this painting would see it as a gold colour-field while an observer to the right of the painting would see it as a green colour-field. and a third observer walking past that work would see the painting dynamically change colour.


Sunyata, 2009. 36” x 36”.

Micro-crystalline aluminum flakes suspended in lacquer on aluminum panel.


The Sunyata Series


Installation view of the Sunyata Series paintings at the Paul Kuhn Galley in 2009


The Sunyata Series


Installation view of a Sunyata Series painting at the Paul Kuhn Galley in 2009


The Sunyata Series


Installation view of the Sunyata Series paintings at the Paul Kuhn Galley in 2009


Paintings - The Classical Series


Paintings - The Hades & Persephone Series